• desert scholarships.org

  • JUMP

    Follow Your Heart. Take Your Head with You.

    broken image

    desertscholarships.org is like your jumping-off point and a roadmap to local $$$s and info for college

    1. Keep a track of dates, documents and deadlines.

    We've made it easy for you. Just keep coming back to this site for updates, news and information. Bookmark this site, Create a Quick Link on your Phone, Do whatever you need to so you don't forget. Evah!


    2. Reach out to your counselors, financial aid officers and local advisors


    We've compiled a list of local scholarship providers and organizations committed to help you succeed in your educational goals. But you've gotta do your part!

  • DATES at a glance

    Don't miss these deadlines.

    I mean, come on man. It's your life.

    October 1

    New FAFSA App Opens

    Don't forget to get your FSA ID

    (FAFSA Form Here)

    (FSA ID Here)


    National Scholarship Month


    Early FAFSA Apps Due


    Cal Grant Application Due

    Cal Grant GPA Verification Due

    (FAFSA Form Here)

    (GPA Form Here)


    Dream Act App Due

    (DACA Here)

    June 30

    FAFSA App Deadline


    Corrections to State Apps


    Corrections to Federal App

  • Local Scholarship Providers

    Just a quick list of local scholarship providers (we're always updating so check back often)


    This is the legal stuff: We're providing this list as a tool for Coachella Valley students looking for financial aid resources. By no means is this list exclusive or meant to imply any sort of endorsement, recommendation or approval by us. You're smart, so visit their websites and make your own judgment about whether to apply or not. Do the work.


    List of scholarships that are available to CSUSB students who attend the Palm Desert Campus (PDC)

    Qualifications for scholarships vary from type of major, GPA, financial need, number of units completed, county of residence, transfer goal, etc.

    We will soon be launching our own local scholarship fund (donations being accepted now). As soon as we meet our fundraising goals we will open up the applications. Stay tuned.

    The leading administrator of the premier Country Club Scholarships in the desert. If you or a parent work at one of these country clubs, contact your HR Department to see if scholarships are available.

    The CVEP Program is offering scholarships to Coachella Valley undergraduate students with demonstrated financial need who wish to complete an undergraduate college degree.

    Awards scholarships annually to students who reside in affordable housing communities developed by CVHC, pursuing undergraduate higher education at any accredited college, university or vocational school.

    Women Leaders Forum offers two scholarship programs for its Young Women Leaders.

    The Boys & Girls Clubs of Coachella Valley collaborates with the CVEP’s Pathways to Success scholarship program.

    La Quinta Arts Foundation’s Visual Arts Scholarship Program awards scholarships to local students pursuing college degrees in the visual arts.

    Dedicated to helping Mexican-American students in the Coachella Valley accomplish their dreams of a higher education.

  • Add your scholarship

    Hey local scholarship providers, if we've missed your scholarship and you'd like it added please fill out the form. As soon as our Scholar-Bots confirm the information we'll trigger a post.